Ammouliani, Greece
Masterplan, Hospitality


Ammouliani, Greece
Masterplan, Hospitality

Ammouliani is a small island in Northern Greece, situated near Mount Athos and a cluster of uninhabited islands called Drenia. This enchanting island is characterized by its lush nature, offering a tranquil and secluded retreat, perfect for those seeking unexplored experiences in an idyllic setting.

Our design approach draws inspiration from the island’s natural energy and aims to create an iconic and experiential destination for visitors. The hotel is strategically located on a secluded peninsula in the southern part of the island, maximizing the unique qualities of the site.

The masterplan organizes the program into distinct experiences, each tailored to highlight specific qualities of the site. The main building, housing the reception and restaurant, is positioned at the highest elevation of the site, offering breathtaking views.

The hotel offers two types of accommodation. The first type features subterranean rooms immersed in the ground, providing a cave-like living experience that harmonizes with the island’s landscape. The second type consists of light timber structures floating among the tree canopies, creating a treetop living experience.